
Decongestive Lymph Therapy Sessions

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Our sessions are provided for individual patient needs. There are varying intensities of therapy available as patients progress through their healing process. Sessions are provided with specialized proprietary equipment designed in Switzerland that provide a unique blend of chromalight therapy with vibration and gentle fluid drainage. All of the products used are completely natural and do not evoke any sensitivity reactions in our patients.

Body Basic Lymph Session begins with a conversation about your body’s fluid mapping. By familiarizing us with your body’s history, both emotional and physical, we can create a map of your fluid decongestion needs. We will primarily focus in this initial session on specific lymph nodes and points of the body, as well as the natural flow of the lymphatic system. This session is recommended for all new clients to the decongestive lymph process as well as those with lymph with targeted lymph concerns. Each session is 1 Hour

Body Advanced Lymph Session is designed for a more comprehensive approach to the entire fluid system of the body. There is no single space that is the origin of the problems that disempower the lymph system. This is our standard lymph therapy session for a progressive improvement to the lymphatic flow of the body. It is a relaxing experience that introduces our signature energetic poulticing elements along with variable effects on the meridians from our lymphatic therapy equipment. Each session is 2 Hours

Body intensive Lymph Session is exactly what its name indicates. It is the ultimate comprehensive, layered treatment also know as the “Body Cure”. By alternating layers of clays, oils, algoderms and infrared heat, lymph ports open easily and meridians are energetically cleared which balances all lymphatic ducts and channels. The intensive length of this treatment creates an effect that is far-ranging within the body tissues and elicits responses of healing from every level of cellular life. We also provide one of our specialized Poulticing Kits for added therapy at home. Each session is 3 Hours

Pre & Post Surgical Lymph Session is for those patients who are receiving any surgical intervention. Many surgeons find it easier to make an incision through clean, well drained tissue, particularly in any sort of aesthetic surgery. We recommend that patients have at least 1 to 2 decongestive sessions two to four days prior to the scheduled procedure. These sessions are important to drain toxins from interstitial areas and free metabolic acids from tissue, creating healthier tissue going into surgery. This results in reduced bruising, swelling and overall discomfort for the patient post-surgically. Each session is 1 Hour

Targeted Breast Decongestive Lymph Session addresses one of the most important and yet overlooked areas of the body. The breast tissue typically experiences more lymphatic congestion than most other areas of the body due to the high fat content within the breast tissue. This session helps to reduce swelling, sensitivity and cystic formation even in fibrous or dense breast tissue. The focus of these sessions is to increase lymphatic flow while promoting the highest level of circulation within the breast tissue, sternum and axillary lymph nodes. Each session is 1 hour

Specialized Plastic Surgery Lymph Session addresses the specific and often debilitating side effects of plastic surgery procedures. Many patients experience lengthy recovery times, infections and scar deposits that can reduce the natural contour of the skin and underlying tissue. We provide specialized methods for improving healing responses in key target areas such as the face, the neck, the breasts, the abdomen and the thighs. Statistics have shown significant improvement with this approach vs. traditional post-surgical healing. These are customized sessions are 1 hour.